TB Local Policy Discussion
Local policy discussions are a part of the Network activities, which aim to formulate topical problems and agenda in TB policy as well as issues not covered by the attention of TB policy in the country. It provides an opportunity to present ideas and concerns generated at the discussion with civil society activists, policymakers, health care professionals and researchers and facilitate forming partnerships around them.
On behalf of GCRF TB Social Research and Policy Network, local policy discussions were conducted in 9 countries in December 2022. They included Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Local policy discussions aimed to formulate topical problems and agenda in TB policy as well as issues not covered by the attention of TB policy in the country. The discussions were held in the form of round tables or personal meetings. Overall 74 people took part in the discussions, including 28 civil activists, 12 policymakers, 20 healthcare professionals and seven academic researchers. Other participants were representatives of social support, patients, and international organisations.
The main topic of the discussion was the influence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other regional conflicts on the TB situation. Five questions in the discussion included:

1. What is the current political and humanitarian situation in your country? (e.g. local conflicts, effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war, civil unrest)
2. What are the effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war and/or other conflicts in your country on the population in your country in general (higher prices, unemployment, overwhelmed healthcare system, etc.)?
3. What are the additional effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war and/or other conflicts in your country on people affected by TB in your country?
4. What is being done currently to mitigate the effects of the war/conflict on people affected by TB in your country?
5. What else can be done to address the current and future needs of the people affected by TB given the current political and humanitarian situation in your country including but not limited to the effects of the war/conflict?

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